
British Council 

The Debating Club is a one-hour, bi-weekly session that is led by a British Council facilitator. The Club meets from 16.30-17.30 on Wednesdays and Thursdays for eight-weeks throughout the Term schedule dates. 

In general, the Debating Club aims to:

  • improve spoken skills in English -- of the participants,not the facilitator
  • develop confidence
  • expand vocabulary -- both range and use
  • develop thoughts and ideas in English coherently 

The Debating Club is delivered in English and only PREMIUM students are eligible to attend (i.e those attending 6pm or 8pm classes. It is free for PREMIUM students.

Each session has a maximum of 20 students.

Depending on numbers, those attending 10.45am and 3pm classes will be able to join for a one-time fee of 12,000CFA for eight sessions with one term. However, first priority must be given to PREMIUM students. 

Each term will cover eight topics. The first debating topic is choosen by the British Council facilitator and all further topics will be chosen by the participants: the topics will vary from current affairs to philosophy.

What is the format of the debating sessions?

  • Introduction of theme
  • Split class in pro -- contra teams
  • 15 minute preparation time for each side
  • Chair decides which side starts
  • Arguments set up as following:


  • Back and forth exchange until one side cannot retort any longer or time is up
  • Vote on the topic for next week's session